Brilliant Labs: A the intersection of Research and Experience


In the spring of 2021, researchers began a process of studying  data compiled from a research study conducted in Quebec about makerspaces, largely Brilliant Labs’ efforts in the Atlantic provinces.

What Is The Research?

The infographics presented here are the result of research results and the “in-field” experience of the organization Brilliant Labs. Located at the junction of scientific and experiential knowledge, researchers propose that these be used as tools for the educational community that are interested in learning more about these hands-on learning centres or for those interested in operating a brilliant lab (or makerspace) for educational purposes.

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Have questions about this research or how you can open a brilliant lab?u00a0


Ready for cool science? Around the world, educators are exploring ways to bring biotechnologies outside of research labs into everyday life & classrooms. Letu2019s harness the power of biological living materials systems to solve critical problems, sustainable design products, make art & create fun science projects.

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Have questions about this research or how you can open a brilliant lab?

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Have questions about this research or how you can start a brilliant lab? 


L’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

This study was conducted with the intention of providing the Ministry’s team with information that was considered important or useful for the effective implementation of its policies.
The research team wanted to take stock of the Brilliant Labs’ present in pre-school, primary and secondary schools (census) to get a better idea of the work and to get a better idea of the situation and to improve the understanding of what pushes or hinders certain brilliant labs. This information can be used for the implementation of a brilliant lab and to support the pedagogical strategies that are currently being implemented by teachers and to determine which skills are developed in existing brilliant labs. 

Note: This document is currently only available in French. 


Implementation Guide

Want this entire brilliant lab Implementation Guide as a bundle? Download it here!

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