Learning Is Natural. Let’s Take It Outside!
This Is A Natural Makerspace
Students who learn in Natural Makerspaces have no walls and often no predetermined classroom area (although some schools do have outdoor classrooms). The time spent in nature is bringing an emotional connection to the land that is essential to develop a deep appreciation and the empathy needed to inspire ecological and social actions. Authentic Natural Makerspaces not only gives the opportunity to learn in nature but also from nature.
The Natural Maker pedagogy draws its roots from a fusion between the pedagogical philosophy of maker centered learning valued by Brilliant Labs since its beginnings and the place-based pedagogy. The Natural Maker pedagogy invites the learner to manipulate, create and build with the elements at his disposal in a nearby natural environment. This pedagogical approach based on the learner in their natural environment allows for the acquisition of an understanding of fundamental learning concepts and the development of essential skills.
Learning In Nature
Learning in nature is inspired by the Forest and Nature School (FNS) movement, a pedagogical approach that has existed since the late 1950s. Nature Schools are multiplying worldwide and are very popular in several European countries such as Finland, Norway and Denmark, which are known for their academic rigour. Guided by the ancestral methods bequeathed by our Aboriginal, Métis and Inuit ancestors and environmental science, this pedagogy is based on respect for the Earth and living beings.
Walk In Colours
Join Brilliant Labs and “I Move…I Learn” teams for Walk In Colours, June 10th! “Walk in Colours” is a health and wellness walk for people of all ages! This year participating Atlantic Canadian classes can help their native ecosystems by planting their province’s official flowers.
Plus, be sure to check out the Walk In Colours student guide and tie-dye activity below.
Register today!
Earth Day For Nature
Earth Day In Nature
Earth Day With Nature
Natural Making Resources
Earth Day 2023! Let’s challenge students to be inspired by nature and take action to help fight climate change. Check out these project ideas!
Let’s get talking about sustainability.
The Brilliant Labs’ Speakers Series got my students asking tough questions about the future, but also engaged them to think about what they can do to make a difference. They’re still talking about mycelium!
M. Thomas, Grade 11-12 Physics Teacher
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Let’s work together to empower educators, youth and communities find innovate solutions, while inspiring an entrepreneurial spirit.
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