Innovations Await!
It’s Hack-O-Ween

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What Is Hack-O-Ween?

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What Is Hack-O-Ween?

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What Is Hack-O-Ween?

Hack-O-Ween is one of our five Innovation Challenges.  This challenge is designed to foster design and mechanical engineering skills by creating interactive exhibits.  This is a fun project that your students can dig into to learn about: design thinking, problem solving, team work and science in SpookTacular ways.

The Hack!

Students can hack and animate Halloween props or costumes.  Their task will be to take a normal prop or decoration and make it their own, by following some simple hacking and animation guidelines. 

Hack-O-Ween Challenge is open!

This challenge opens September 9 and closes on Halloween (Oct.31).  Students will be able to exhibit their creations and some will be choosen for the Atlantic Wide School MakerFaire June 9, 2022. 

Challenge Resources



Learning Outcomes

Hack A Toy

Remote Light

Go Green


Watch: Hack A Toy

Learn: MakeyMakey

Make: Interactive


This year we are watching for Maker Faire school projects all year long. So, let’s connect and talk about how your students can be showcased at this all-day event June 9, 2022!

Join The Conversation!

Join us for the Brilliant Labs’ Speakers Series and engage students grades 6-12 in conversations about innovation, sustainability, design and more.  Stay-tuned for upcoming global speakers and dates.  Subscribe to our mailing list to don’t miss the these engaging discussions.  Subscribe Now.

Let’s work together to empower educators, youth and communities find innovate solutions, while inspiring an entrepreneurial spirit.