We’re taking the traditional Rube Goldberg machine to the next level with motors, sensors and code! Yes, that’s right – it’s already a complex machine with levers and planes and pulleys – and now it’s going to be even more complex with motors and sensors and code.

Are you ready to get your students talking about the everyday simple problems that bore them? Simple tasks like getting a drink, pressing a button, turning on a light switch. We’ll show them how those everyday boring, repetitive tasks – can become incredibly exciting, action packed, spine tingling production worthy moments!

Click here for complete Level UP tutorial

Plus, we’ll provide tips and tricks to how you too can make exciting task completing machines – and we’ll include easy to follow videos on how to add Lego WeDo motor and tilt sensor programmed with Scratch and also how to program the Lego EV3 Mindstorms motors and touch sensor.

Check out these quick clips!

How to Use the Lego WeDo system to add to your design.

Adding Lego EV3 Windstorms to your project.

Students will need to understand the elements needed to build a simple machine to accomplish a task. This is a great point to discuss levers, pulleys, planes, force, load and more. Illustrating basic concepts early on will allow for more creative machine building. It is also an ideal time to explore the Rube Goldberg experience.

Here is a great site for all things Rube Goldberg: https://www.rubegoldberg.com/

Check out this Rube Goldberg Simple Machine lesson plan at https://media.rubegoldberg.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Rube-Goldberg-Lesson-Plans.pdf

The purpose of this tutorial is to go beyond the Rube Goldberg Simple Machine and to add technology – add motors and sensors and code! To take our Rube Goldberg’s to the next level. So once, we’ve explored simple machines and the Rube Goldberg theory – now it’s time to let the students’ imaginations soar. What would they build if there were no limits!

Now is a great time to introduce motors and sensors and code. Click here for the full tutorial.

Have fun and contact us if you have any questions!